Late Night...

Can you guess who this is?
OK, it's just past midnight here. As usual I am playing chess on and But now I'm annoyed. It looks like I might lose a game to Doffen (highest rated player on GT) using my Alekhine's Defense. Now, what really annoys me is that I went into an inferior line! I am supposed to know this defense. I have the definitive book (which I am noticing is sorely missing information on critical lines--simply not as good a book as John Watson's Play the French or for that matter, John Gallagher's Play the King's Indian Defense). Quite disappointing...but as always one must learn from their mistakes (as I age though, I find I am not learning as much as I once did). I shall try another time with Doffen and I will play my Alekhine's Defense!
So, besides chess, what am I doing lately? I'm working like a stevedore at a place that pays terribly, offers little medical coverage and schedules you so that you have virtually no free time. Ah, but I have my books....yes, I have my books. This is a sentence, a sort of salvation for whenever things seem too much. Many a time have I said this sentence...What do I mean by it? I mean that despite everything that has happened, I can still pick up a good book and escape to another time and place (better than drugs or drink) and read a book. I am a voracious reader. I read mostly history and fiction. I've read a great deal of the classic authors of the 19th and 20the century, mostly American, English, French and Russian. Which reminds me, I need to put up a book list here....anyway, I've just begun Andre Maurios' History of France. I was reading a history of the Algerian War but my time is short nowadays and I was unable to sustain an interest in the book. I was barely reading it and when that happens I know it is time to read something else because I no longer can force myself to read something I am having difficulty reading. Old age!
Time to get back to finishing up a few move chess moves before I hit the sack and read a few pages of History of France. My friend (you know who you are), sorry I couldn't keep up with the book on Algerian Independence. Perhaps another day when I have more time.
Au revoir.
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