Sherwood Forest

Robyn to the Rescue!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Grant and Lee

One good thing that can be said about Grant was that he was the best the Union had to offer. McClellan was an elitist more concerned with appearances than winning a war and unable to pursue an advantage when it stared him in the face (Antietam). Burnside was a fool, forcing the Union army to cross the Rappahonnack river in the face of withering Confederate cannon, fixed positions and deep mud at Fredricksburg. Union forces were slaughtered and forced to retreat. Meade was lucky at Gettysburg as Lee, without his 'eyes' (calvary) because of Jeb Stuart's ill advised foray, had stumbled into battle before he was ready (some of his units went into the city looking for shoes for Confederate soldiers and accidently engaged Union forces, thus alerting them to Lee's presence and allowing them to fortify the hill which gave them the high ground). Lee probably should not have pushed forth the attack in such a situation (as Longstreet warned him), but he was intent on finally destroying the Union army that had so far eluded him after his earlier victory at Fredricksburg, and also on approaching Washington DC so that perhaps Lincoln would sue for peace (which Lincoln would never had done).

Grant's 'talent' was that he was the only Union general Lincoln had who was willing to pursue Lee to the end-despite the horrendous casualties (as Ishkabbible has said) it caused. The South had limited reserves and supplies, the Union had the industrial power, control of the coastlines and an nearly inexhaustible amount of men. The South's only hope, recognition from Britain as a nation, was not forthcoming.

US-British Ultimatum

Reacting quickly after the enemy let pass the 'Allied' ultimatum, US and British forces launched a massive air, land and sea assault. American 101st and 82nd Airborne and British SAS forces parachuted into key areas and disabled early warning systems. Cobra attack helicopters and Harrier jump jets supported US and British marines as they plunged into sparsely defended areas and successfully occupied all forward positions. B1 and B2 bombers streaked overhead, protected by F-16 and F-18 fighters launched from the US 7th Fleet. Stealth fighters flew low reconnaissance missions sending back critical data to military commanders. In less than a week all enemy positions were overcome and occupation forces reported complete success.

The Allied command issued the following communique: 'The UN has surrendered.'

US Responds to Iraqi Claims, Prepares Unique Solution

(UPI) US officials, stung by recent Iraqi accusations, hurriedly scrambled to answer by sending Defence Secretary Ronald Bumsfeld out as their spokesman. Asked why he was sent and not Secretary of State Colin Powell, as it is this position that answers foreign policy questions, Bumsfeld-reminiscent of former Secretary of State Alexander Haig in the Reagan administration, declared, 'I am in charge here. I am fully capable of answering any question regarding the United States previous, current or future actions. Please go ahead with your questions and I will answer them as indirectly as possible.'

Asked why the US government dropped two atomic weapons on heavily populated civilian centers during WWII, Bumsfeld responded, 'What would your alternative have been------to let millions of our serviceman die in a war with one of the most evil regimes on our planet at the time?' Questioned specifically as to why it necessary to drop them on two major cities which resulted in the immediate deaths of 200,000 people and the eventual deaths of another 200,000, Bumsfeld responded with the claim that the question was 'anti-American.' Asked why the Japanese government could not have been shown a demonstration of the A-bomb's destructive power by dropping it on an unpopulated island as was done at Bikini Island a few years later, Bumsfeld responded with cries of 'anti-Americanism.' Asked how was it possible that millions of highly trained, battle-hardened US serviceman, enjoying complete air superiority (noting that the B-29s that dropped the A-bombs flew unescorted over their targets since the Japanese air force had ceased to exist), complete naval superiority (the remnants of the Japanese navy were destroyed at Leyte Gulf), and fighting the ragged remains of what was left of the home force, could suffer such casualties, Bumsfeld conceded that he had drudged up that response from old White House press releases from the Truman White House in 1945.

Asked why it was alright to use chemical weapons in the Gulf War, Bumsfeld responded, 'what would your alternative have been, to put our head in the sand and let one of the most evil regimes in present history invade a sovereign country?' Asked why the US did not respond the same way with the Soviet Union when it invaded Afghanistan, Bumsfeld responded with accusations of 'anti-Americanism.' Asked why the US did not invade Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon when they attacked Israel in the 1973 war, Bumsfeld responded with a blank face, saying, 'But we were trying to extricate ourselves from the Vietnam mess at that time--you know, Peace with Honor?'

Asked why the US only follows those decisions by the UN or World Court that they see fit too, Bumsfeld responded , 'are you in favor of obeying a world organization who has terrorist supporting nations as part of it's whole when they make biased judgments that affect the national security of the US?' Questioned as to how a majority decision could be reached in such judgments--in other words, do the majority of UN member nations support terrorism? Bumsfeld responded with 'I guess so!!'

Asked about other allegations of US foul play in South America, Bumsfeld paused briefly, somewhat nonplussed and said, 'I know nothing!' (the resemblance to Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes was noted). Recovering quickly, Bumsfeld said, 'I get my news from the major news organs which are full of Al Qaeda terrorist threats, US preparation for war, and Allied intransigence. If I read anything else and express an opposing opinion I may appear unpatriotic.'

Asked what the US planned to do to stop terrorism Bumsfeld offered a unique solution which he said the US has immediately begun to implement, 'The US, finding that it too is guilty of many of the allegations it has flung at Iraq has prepared to *invade itself*. Yes that's right, while we speak at this very moment US carrier battle fleets are quickly heading to the coasts of California, Florida and New York with coalition forces aboard. The carrier battle fleet heading to the coast of California has 50,000 Russian coalition forces, the carrier battle fleet heading to the coast of Florida has 50,000 French coalition forces and the carrier battle fleet heading towards New York has 50,000 German coalition forces. All are prepared to round up dissidents opposed to US policies. They are to be placed in former WWII internment camps and for convenience called 'Japanese'.' Afterward, an House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) will be formed again and all those guilty of disagreeing with Bush administration policies will be blacklisted from further employment.'

Finally asked why $360,000,000,000 was not considered an exorbitant amount to spend on defence, Bumsfeld responded that it was 'only a little over 3.3% of our gross national product, the norm is over 5%.' Asked why the US does not increase it expenditures to the 5% norm, since it declares the world is under such a great threat, Bumsfeld responded that the US does spend the norm, it is simply hidden in the budget. Asked if he didn't just contradict himself, Bumsfeld ducked, reached into the air to flag down the question that just flew over his head and shouted, 'Nice try!!'

Iraq Prepares US Invasion

(UPI) Declaring that 'the game is up George', Iraqi President Saddam Hussien has issued orders for an invasion of the United States. Citing evidence gathered by 'Iraqi government sources' and other 'high-level administration officials' this journalist has been able to piece together an abbreviated list of alleged American transgressions. They are as follows:

Use of weapons of mass destruction:
-Multiple use of atomic weapons against civilian population centers (Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
Use of chemical warfare:
-Vietnam (commonly known as Agent Orange, used for 'jungle defoliation').
-Gulf War.
Direct involvement or tacit approval of political assassination in then client states:
-Chile (Allende).
-Vietnam (Diem).
-Iran (Mossadegh).
Wanton and indiscriminate killing and subsequent mass removal of populations or approval of client state's actions:
-American Indian or Native Americans (eg 'their own people').
-Over 1,000,000 civilian deaths in Vietnam-most notably the My Lai Massacre.
-Final Solution of Guatemalan peasants and Indians.
Failure to follow the decisions of world bodies such as the World Court and United Nations:
-This does not include US Senate vote not to join League of Nations.
Buildup of massive military forces:
-US will spend $360,000,000,000 on 'defence' this year-this total does not include possible war with Iraq).
US media's implicit acceptance of US government agenda:
-Massive converage into investigation of assassination of Polish priest Jerzy Popieluszko since Soviet intelligence agencies were alleged to be responsible.
-Virtual media blackout of responsible media investigative techniques in assassination of American nuns and Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador--despite direct evidence of President Duarte's government, a client state.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz has challenged the world to stand up to George and his American 'henchman' and also to his British lackey, Bambi Blair. 'The world can no longer countenance such insolent disregard of accepted international standards. It is up to the UN and the world to put a stop to US unilateralism. The time is now, the US has engaged in foot dragging and disinformation. Civilized nations will no longer allow this discredited regime to pursue the hegemony it now so ardently desires.' Questioned as to why Iraq did not act against the former Soviet Union when it was accused of similiar transgressions, Aziz replied that the United States was 'easier to invade and posed less threat of retaliation.' Further questioned as to whether this did not invalidate virtually all Iraqi claims, Aziz stated that any further information would be a 'breach of national security.'

US officials were not immediately available for comment.

God, Descartes and the Cartesian Circle

God, Descartes and the Cartesian Circle

Descartes used two arguments to prove Go exists and both can be called into question. His first argument, known as the Trademark Argument, states that since we have an idea of God in our mind, it must have come from somewhere. Where did it come from? Descartes' answer is that God implanted it there as a kind of trademark. Descartes believes God is the cause and the idea is the effect--something cannot come from nothing. Descartes believes that God is benevolent and would not want to deceive Man. Descartes' other argument is the Ontological Argument discussed earlier on this DB--that since God is perfect, God must exist because if God weren't perfect, he wouldn't exist.

The Trademark Argument is vulnerable to criticism in that there is an assumption that there must be at least as much reality in the cause of something as in its effect--this is needed to move from the reality of the /idea/ of God to the reality /of/ God. This assumption can be challenged by the example that scientists can now explain how life evolved from inanimate matter: we don't find it obvious that life can only be caused by living things.

The Ontological Argument can be challenged since the basis of the idea is that of trying to define God into existence. It assumes existence is a property, like omniscience (all-knowing) or omnipotent (all-powerful) rather that what it really is--the /condition/ of having these properties at all.

Finally, Descartes' argument is circular. This is known as the Cartesian Circle. Descartes states that clear and distinct ideas are reliable sources of knowledge because they are vouchsafed by a benevolent God--and God does not deceive; but God's existence is only proved by relying on knowledge given from clear and distinct ideas--a vicious circle.

Response to What is the Soul?

If the body and the mind are two distinct things; the body being physical while the mind being mental (and non-physical), then how does the non-physical interact with the physical?

If one believes in evolution--that human beings evolved from simpler life forms, then did these simpler life forms, such as an amoebae also have minds or non-physical things? Of course, it can be argued that the simpler minds evolved into what the human mind (or soul-the non-physical thing) has become. Is not the mind simply a physical part of the interaction of the brain with the body?

Let me state that I am not attempting to set up a straw-man here so I can knock it down. I am trying to understand what it is we mean when we say the 'soul.' Is it the consciousness, the mind, is tai non-physical, and if it is neither, but a third entity, how does it interact, if at all, with the physical?

G. Bu and CSI Iraq

President George Bush, acting on advice from senior administration officials who want his views to be accepted by the younger generation, has let it be known he now wishes to be called G. Bu (in honour of J. Lo, whose quest to shatter Elizabeth Taylor's consecutive marriages record is well documented). G. Bu has had great difficulties of late in convincing young people that his policies regarding Iraq are correct. As has been noted earlier, the post-war name for Iraq, agreed upon by the US and Prince Charles (who like s to be called Charles III by intimate friends--especially Camilla, and Charley Three by his American pals), will be MS Iraq. G. Bu has put forth a proposal--to please American Youth, of temporarily naming Iraq by the popular CSI television show. Hence, before Iraq is fully integrated into Pax Amer/Britannia, it will be called CSI Iraq.

G. Bu has also had problems convincing other nations that a military invasion of Iraq is the only solution to Saddam Hussien's (aka 'Saddam') refusal to disarm (it may be noted the Iraqi leader has declined an offer to be referred to as S. Hu or even S. Dam). Privately, G. Bu has castigated France (whose claim to military fame lies in its ability to surrender at a moment's notice), Russia (that model of economic success), China (whose irrelevance in the whole matter is evident to all but themselves) and Germany (whose disappointment over their World Cup loss to Brazil has never fully been overcome). G. Bu feels these countries are being dishonest in not expressing the real reasons for opposing the US/British position--that their oil contracts with Iraq will be abrogated and the US and Britain will gain ascendency in the race to control the world's oil resources.

G. Bu remains optimistic however. He feels once the objections have been overcome (and the US's massive wealth virtually assures this) his only remaining obstacle will be Turkey's acceptance of US troops for the northern invasion of Iraq. G. Bu, in a brilliant move, has nearly come to terms with Turkey by assuring them that only ham will be eaten by Americans on Thanksgiving.

The Village Idiot

Transcript of 9/11 Commission interview with President Dick Cheney (as portrayed by George W. Bush) and Vice President and CEO Dick Cheney.

Note: This interview was transcribed in person by Robyn Hode disguised as a youthful Errol Flynn.

Part I

Commission: Good morning gentleman.

Bush (looking at Cheney for permission and receiving a nod): Uh, oh, Good Aft-Morning.

Cheney (after patting Bush on the back): Good morning gentleman.

[At this point, Supreme Court Justice Uncle Antonin Scalia enters carrying drinks for Cheney and Bush]

Commission: Excuse me Justice Scalia, but this interview is to take place with only the President and Vice President, present.

Uncle Antonin: I was invited by Pres..Vice President Cheney to attend this interview. We are good friends and it is my intention to accept this serve drinks, and if necessary, anything else his Vice President a friend, of course.

Commission: Very well, the interview is already without any value since by agreeing to have only one person take notes and...

Cheney: And agreeing we are not to answer any questions under oath. We need plausible deniability--if it comes down to our word versus a few Democratic congressman, who will the American people believe? After all, they swallowed WMD and the story about Al Qeada running a fixed bingo parlour in downtown Bagdhad where Saddam always wins, why wouldn't they believe us now?

Bush: Uh oh, uh oh...

Cheney (speaking out of the side of his mouth as he does so naturally): Not now George.

Commission: If we may begin the interview with an off-topic question President Cheney...why do you talk out of the side of your mouth like that, it seems rather unusual.

Cheney: It's not usual at all, and I am not President Cheney, I am Vice President Cheney. To continue, I developed the ability to talk in such a manner by constantly whispering to cronies behind the backs of honest people while negotiating contracts for the government. By training myself to do this I was able to cut deals that have secretly made me wealthy, while bankrupting the American people. It is a valuable skill.

[Bush begins to focus intently on a piece of lint on his pants--in fact, he is completely absorbed in this task]

Commission: It has been stated that plans were being made by the Cheney Adminstra...

Cheney: You mean Bush....

Bush: What?

Cheney: Continue with what you were doing George.

Commission: Yes, the Bush Administration....that plans were being made to invade Iraq only one month after 9/11. Does the Chen...does the Adminstration deny this?

Cheney: Of course I Adminstration does. Oh heck, what does it matter? No one will believe what the note-taker writes anyway. Yes, plans were being made to invade Iraq before 9/11. When my good friend George Bush...

Bush: Yes, Mr. Cheney?

Cheney: Not now George!

Bush: Uh, oh. (Returns to the contemplation of the piece of lint on his pants)

Cheney: As I was saying, when my good friend George Herbert Bush and I decided Jeb would help his brother win the election in 2000 and that it wouldn't matter who actually had the most votes since ole Jeb controlled Florida like a backwoods Mississippi sheriff controls his town, we also decided that the US should invade Iraq and remove that ungrateful pinhead, Saddam. This was in 1999. I believe George Herbert's son was AWOL somewhere when the discussion took place, although we can offer proof, if required, that he was in Texas because we paid a person to say he saw him there.

Commision: Are you saying Mr. Cheney...

[At this point, Uncle Antonin reaches over and lights Cheney's cigarette, then hops up and runs out of the room to get an ashtray, then runs back in quickly and stands at attention next to Cheney, holding the ashtray with the intention of catching the falling ashes whenever Cheney gestures]

Commission:...that WMD and Al Qeada were not the reasons for the invasion of Iraq?

Cheney: Of course not. We knew Saddam had only a few Scud missiles and those were almost useless anyway. Besides, Israel and the US could turn Iraq into a parking lot before more than a few of those Boer War era missiles could be fired. As for Al Qeada, we had no evidence that Saddam was involved with them. President Bush...

Bush: Huh?

Cheney (ignoring Bush): ...even stated, against my wishes--but sometimes we can't control everything he says, that there was no connection between Al Qeada and Iraq.

Commission: Was there any other reason for invading Iraq besides punishing an ingrate?

Cheney: Well, I was CEO of Halliburton, wasn't I? I was hired without any experience, so what did I bring to the table, so to speak? Why, the possibility of becoming Pres...Vice President in 2000 and bringing in a whole lot of business for my former company, of course.

[Cheney gestures impatiently and Uncle Antonin dives to catch the falling ash]

To be continued...

Part II

Commission: Now, Vice President Cheney, may we ask the President some questions?

Cheney: Go right ahead.

Commission: Mr. President...

Cheney: Yes? ahead, please.

Commission: We intend to. Mr. President? Mr. President...ah, Mr. Bush?

Cheney (whispering out of the side of his mouth as only he can): George, pssst George, pay attention, they are talking to you.

Bush: Uh, oh...yes...gentleman?

Commission: Mr. President, you gave what came to be known as the "Axis of Evil" speech...

Bush: I did?

Commission: Yes, Mr. President, you did. In the speech you labeled Iran, Iraq and North Korea as evil nations, in fact they were labeled as the Axis of Evil. Now, with regard to...

(At this point there is a sharp knock on the door and Prime Minister Tony Blair enters)

Cheney: Ah, Tony old boy, please come in and have a seat.

Bush: Howdy Tony!

Tony: Good morning gentleman, thank you, I will have a seat and let me preface any of my future remarks by stating that I agree completely with whatever Mr. Cheney and Georgie Boy say. Completely, 100 per cent.

Commission: Mr. Prime Minister, this interview was to be conducted with only...

Cheney: Please don't repeat yourselves President, I am in charge here and I declare it is quite alright for Tony to join us in our little chat.

Bush: Uh oh...

Tony: I agree completely.

(Uncle Antonin, feeling a tinge of jealousy over Cheney's friendliness toward Mr. Blair, purposely refuses to offer Mr. Blair any refreshments and also begins making little faces at him when no one but Mr. Blair is looking)

Cheney: Let us continue with the questions, time is running short and Tony, the President and I have much more important things to discuss than what is going on here.

Tony: I agree completely.

Bush: Uh, oh.

Commission: Are we to assume that you will be fielding the remainder of the question, Vice President Cheney?

Cheney: You are to assume nothing. Ask the questions...get on with it.

Tony: I agree completely.

Commission: Very well, we have virtually no authority or validity anymore so lets finish this up. Mr. President, Vice President, CEO, whatever you are...why weren't the American people told the truth about the decision to go to war in Iraq?

Cheney: Truth? You ask me about truth? Let me answer it this way: 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye need to know...and all you're going to get if you know what is good for you. Now, this interview is over.

Tony: I agree completely.

Bush: Uh, oh.

Uncle Antonin: Shall I bring your car around Dick?

[End of transcript]